What’s the difference between a Pivot Table and FreeSight Analysis Table?
Pivot Tables and FreeSight Analysis Tables are both created to summarize or filter selected subsets of your data into easy-to-read tables.
One key difference is that an Analysis Table can be a stand-alone report like a pivot table, or it can be one of many steps in a set of data analysis operations; whereas a pivot table is usually the end goal in and of itself.
Analysis Tables are completely dynamic and can be modified simply and easily. You can add or remove data fields, insert new columns, add formulas, or perform data edits and other manipulation functions from within the table.
There is no limit to the number of Analysis Tables one might create in a FreeSight model. They can be independent charts and tables to be exported as queries or reports; or, they can also be strung together as part of a larger process that refines the various views and summarizations that you wish to see in your full data analysis.
While you work in an Analysis Table, FreeSight automatically charts the data you are viewing, so you can get a clearer visualization of what the data is showing you. Or, you can turn off the charting and work with the summarized “pivoted” data as you would in a spreadsheet.
Not sure where to start?
No need to be concerned about which data labels are dropped on the top or on which side of an Analysis Table. FreeSight’s auto-chart function will create all of the logical views of your data for you. You just tell FreeSight which fields of data you want to summarize, and it will present back to you the logical visualizations of your data. You simply select the view you want and FreeSight will populate the table and chart for you.
Whether as the end-result report, or a link back into your business process model for further processing and analysis, a FreeSight Analysis Table makes “what-if” analyses and data visualizations simple.