30-Day Free Trial:
If you do not yet have a license for FreeSight, the installation program will install a 30-day free trial of FreeSight. This will provide you with immediate access to the fully-featured version of FreeSight for 30 days. Just download, install, and immediately start analyzing your data – no payment information is required.
Just fill in the following form and click the Download button to download the FreeSight installation program.
To purchase a FreeSight license click here or contact us at: license@freesightweb.com for more information.
To Upgrade To The Latest Version:
If you already have a license for FreeSight, the installation program will upgrade your software to the latest version.Fill in the following form and click the Download button to download the FreeSight installation program.
FreeSight System Requirements
- Microsoft Windows 64-Bit version 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7 or Vista
- 2 GHz x86-64 processor
- 1GB of memory minimum, 8-16GB recommended
- 100MB of available disk space
- FreeSight performs optimally with files up to 10 million rows by fifty thousand columns of data.